- Can You Buy Single Prismacolor Pencils?I always would use up my white prismacolor pencils long before any of the other pencils. And spending money on a brand new pack was pointless when all my other pencils were basically unused. Sometimes you just want to buy one or two single prismacolor pencils. But can you buy single Prismacolor pencils and where… Read more: Can You Buy Single Prismacolor Pencils?
- 6 Ways To Stop Prismacolor Pencils From BreakingIsn’t it annoying when you spend so much money on Prismacolor pencils just for them to break? No matter how many times you sharpen them the lead seems to break off making the pencil useless. Wouldn’t it be great if you could stop this from happening? When I first got them my Prismacolor pencils used… Read more: 6 Ways To Stop Prismacolor Pencils From Breaking